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Southern Cross Drive & Starke Street Intersection Signalisation

Indesco was engaged by Infrastructure Delivery Partners on behalf of the Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate to carry out design review, tender document preparation and construction superintendence for upgrades to two intersections in Belconnen under the Better Intersections project.

The objectives of the overall project included improving safety and crossing opportunities for all intersection users, as well as improving the level of service at the intersections as defined in the Roads ACT Strategies Asset Management Plan.

The original design proposed to take on-road cyclists off-road resulting in an outcome that did not achieve a coherent route for cyclists. The design successfully provides for the needs of pedestrians and cyclists via the provision of on-road cycle lanes along each direction of Southern Cross Drive as well as a 2.5m share path alongside the service road effectively filling in the missing link in the off road trunk network.

Pedestrian path network improvements are also provided along Starke Street connecting to Hardwick Crescent and the shops and the bus stop to the west of the intersection.

Belconnen, ACT


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