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Moncrieff East Residential Estate

Indesco was engaged by the LDA to prepare the estate development plans including infrastructure masterplans for a 1200 dwelling subdivision in Moncrieff, ACT. A significant challenge in the design process was the integration of roads and services with the concurrent design (by another consultant) of the Moncrieff West subdivision.

Our role in this 1,200 lot residential estate involved civil engineering and project management for the estate development, detailed design and tender phases. We also designed the Moncrieff community park, Wagi Bridge and access roads to the estate. The scope of works included the design of the Moncrieff community park, a multi-purpose facility combining a range of sporting activities with play and recreation for all ages.

The Moncrieff Access Tracks and Bridge project was the final stage of the Estate. The scope of works included the provision of a series of cyclists and emergency services. This included the design and construction of a bridge over Ginninderra Creek. Indesco successfully completed the Estate design, accommodating three parallel construction stages. Moncrieff was also the first Estate to include NBN telecommunications and underground electrical service pits within the shared trench.

The design of Moncrieff was shortlisted for the ACT Chapter Engineers Australia Civil Engineering awards.

Moncrieff, ACT


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